What you can do
Households contribute about 20 percent of Australia's emissions. All sectors of the household contribute to this but transport, appliances and water heating account for the bulk of these as shown in the chart. You can calculate your own carbon emissions using this calculator. You will see we all have a large task ahead to achieve carbon neutral status. However, As the primary energy sources become dominate by renewable energy, then this also percolates through the economy and reduces our own emissions.
Here are some actions you can take to reduce fossil fuel use, making our community more sustainable and healthy:
1. The most effective way to reduce emissions is to reduce energy use. So make sure waste is eliminated by turning off appliances when not in use and install efficient appliances and lights. Review these websites for ideas you may be able to adopt to help you reduce your energy use and costs:
http://yourenergysavings.gov.au/energy and http://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/ .
2. Your house/building is a major contributor to energy consumption:
If building a new house, design it to suit your environment and minimise the heating or cooling costs. Reduce the house size to save on the energy in its construction, and the energy used to heat or cool it. There are guidelines here for sustainable buildings.
Buy energy efficient appliances and lights and use them effectively to reduce their energy use. The energy rating system helps guide the purchase of the most efficient appliance which over its life will cost you less than less efficient models.
Turn appliances off so they are not using energy in sleep mode and do not have lights on unnecessarily.
Schedule appliance use to avoid peak use (2 pm to 8 pm weekdays) and preferably to coincide with off peak periods (10 pm to 7am).
Use appliances efficiently and appropriately, let hot food cool before placing in fridge, and defrost frozen food in the fridge before cooking or reheating for consumption.
Use cold water instead of hot water for clothes washing.
Water use in both house and gardens must be managed to ensure sustainable supplies and to minimize the energy used in water treatment. The water efficiency label guides you with this.
3. Transport, especially private vehicles, is a major emission item. Compare the fuel efficiency at the Green Vehicle Guide.
Acquire a fuel efficient vehicle, small is better as it has less embedded energy and lower emissions.
Acquire an electric vehicle and charge it using renewable power.
Use public transport when feasible.
Walk or cycle instead of driving and improve your health and fitness as well.
4. Install solar hot water and solar PV panels on your home or business and also reduce your power bills.
Hot water is about 30 percent of your energy cost.
Solar PV electricity costs about 5 cents /kWh over the systems warranted life compared to the 25 to 30 cents /kWh for grid sourced electricity.
Local installers and guidelines for households and businesses are found here: https://www.solaraccreditation.com.au/consumers.
Cottages , Mansions and businesses all benefit from installing Solar PV.
5. Help to fund our activities by donating recyclable containers under the Containers for Change program to Gympie Community Solar Assn by using our Customer Number: C10217318. This will enable the refund amount to be deposited directly into our Bank Account anonymously. This provides the only revenue to the Assn other than members contributions.
Gympie Community Solar Assn aims to help you get Solar installed by providing free and independent advice. Talk to us and we will help you realise how much you can save by installing Solar PV and hot water systems.

Households contribute about 20 percent of Australia's emissions. All sectors of the household contribute to this but transport, appliances and water heating account for the bulk of these as shown in the chart.
Here are some actions you can take to reduce fossil fuel use, making our community more sustainable and healthy:
1. The most effective way to reduce emissions is to reduce energy use. So make sure waste is eliminated by turning off appliances when not in use and install efficient appliances and lights. Review these websites for ideas you may be able to adopt to help you reduce your energy use and costs:
http://yourenergysavings.gov.au/energy and http://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/ .
2. Your house/building is a major contributor to energy consumption:
If building a new house, design it to suit your environment and minimise the heating or cooling costs. Reduce the house size to save on the energy in its construction, and the energy used to heat or cool it.
Buy energy efficient appliances and lights and use them effectively to reduce their energy use.
Turn appliances off so they are not using energy in sleep mode and do not have lights on unecessarily.
Schedule appliance use to avoid peak use (2 pm to 8 pm weekdays) and preferably to coincide with off peak periods (10 pm to 7am).
Use appliances efficiently and appropriately, let hot food cool before placing in fridge, and defrost frozen food in the fridge before cooking or reheating for consumption.
Use cold water instead of hot water for clothes washing.
Water use in both house and gardens must be managed to ensure sustainable supplies.
3. Transport, especially private vehicles, is a major emission item.
Acquire a fuel efficient vehicle, small is better as it has less embedded energy and lower emissions.
Acquire an electric vehicle that is charged by renewable power.
Use public transport when feasible.
Walk or cycle instead of driving and improve your health and fitness as well.
4. Install solar hot water and solar PV panels on your home or business and also reduce your power bills.
Local installers and guidelines for households and businesses are found here: https://www.solaraccreditation.com.au/consumers.
Gympie Community Solar Assn. aims to help you get Solar installed by providing free and independent advice. Talk to us so we can help you.