Envirotech Day Gympie 2022
Planning for this event is now under way. It will be held at Nelson Reserve Gympie on
April 2nd 2022 between 9am and 3pm. Invitations to any who has technologies new or
old that will make our society more sustainable are invited to have an exhibit. Contact
Murray on envirotechgympie@gmail.com
Envirotech Day Gympie 2021
The Envirotech Day Gympie 2021 event will be held on April 17th 2021 between 9 and 3 in Nelson Reserve, Gympie. Potential participants are invited to contact the organizers on 0421607930 or envirotechgympie@gmail.com. This event is a partnership between Gympie Community Solar Assn, Gympie Regional Council, Gympie Landcare and Gympie Living Magazine. Visitors to the District should look at https://www.visitgympieregion.com.au/ to find accommodation and addition options for your time in the Gympie Region.
Environment Day Gympie 2021 aims to:
promote technologies which will help to make our community more sustainable across a range of economic sectors including Agriculture, Water, Energy, Transport, Education, Employment, Waste and Recycling,
create a positive attitude to the necessary changes to make the world more sustainable and less prone to the serious and adverse impacts of Global Warming which are all too visible at the moment, and
inform both households and businesses of the financial benefits of these technologies.
Anyone who would like to participate in Envirotech Day Gympie 2021 should contact us by phoning 0421607930 or email environtechgympie@gmail.com.
The event in 2021 is building on our experience in 2019 and the planning that went into our event in 2020 which was cancelled due to COVID 19 concerns. Gympie Community Solar Assn., Gympie Regional Council, Gympie Landcare and Gympie Living Magazine are continuing to work together to plan the 2021 Event. Many of the 40 participants from the cancelled 2020 event have already indicated they will attend in 2021.
Envirotech Day Gympie 2021 will be held on April 17th in Nelson Reserve, Gympie between 9.00 and 3.00. Planning for the event will ensure compliance with all aspects of the latest State Government COVID 19 Safe Event protocols.
Envirotech Day Gympie 2021 aims to display technologies that will make our society more sustainable. We want to recognize the critical environmental impacts humanity is making on the planet but also promote the positive impacts technologies can make to rectify this. The event will encompass a wide range of industries and topics, including shifting from fossil fuels for Electricity and Transport, reducing agricultural contributions to green house gas emissions, energy efficient housing, boosting recycling from households and businesses and many more. Amazingly, most of these technologies make a positive impact on business profits as well as providing environmental gains. CCIQ with their ECObiz program will be present to demonstrate this and to encourage other local businesses to participate in their energy and waste reduction program.
Displays will include:
a wide range of electric vehicles present, some available for rides, perhaps even test drives while others will tell the owners story of their vehicles on display,
Solar systems, battery storage, perhaps options for joining Virtual Power Plant groups will feature for households and businesses,
Sustainable housing design and energy efficient housing,
carbon farming and soil sequestration,
reduction of agricultural emissions, especially from efficiency gains on farms and livestock,
Waste and recycling within the community and businesses
food, drinks and water available to keep visitors going.
We will have a take away record of all participants contacts, info and products available for visitors to the event. This will provide a longer term record for those who need to find something of interest as well as a promotion of the participants and supporters of the event.
EnviroTech Day Gympie 2021 has a Covid-19 safe plan.
The following points are essential to making the Event Covid-19 safe.
Everyone must:
Stay at home if you:
feel unwell, have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath, or Covid-19,
have travelled overseas, been to a designated hotspot or been a close contact with a confirmed case in the past 14 days,
Maintain appropriate social distancing, i.e. 1.5 m between individuals.
Seek assistance if you become unwell during the event.
must provide the Event Organiser with a list of the people staffing their stall, including Name, Phone Number, email address, Home address, Organisation affiliation, Entry time and Exit time to facilitate contact tracing.
are encouraged to have hand sanitiser available for patrons use,
use cashless systems for purchases if possible.
Event organisers will:
collect contact tracing information from attendees,
provide sanitiser within the site for patrons to use,
Covid-19 signage about hand cleansing, social distancing, and symptoms, and
Conditions of entry requirements as per Stay at home above,
transport to hospital anyone becoming unwell at the event.
With everyone’s cooperation, the Event will be Covid-19 safe.
​​We would like to hear from anyone who would like to participate in Envirotech Day Gympie 2021. Contact us by phoning 0421607930 or email envirotechgympie@gmail.com.