Envirotech History
In 2019, Gympie Community Solar Assn (GCSA) was organising an Electric Vehicle day. We asked Gympie Regional Council (GRC) about using one of their venues and GRC was keen to join with us and give the day a wider perspective with the inclusion of waste and recycling, promoting local businesses. So the day grew into a sustainability day, called Envirotech Day Gympie. There were a wide range of electric vehicles (EV) from various Auto groups Available for test drives as well as others on display. Also, there were electric bikes, scooters, tricycles, motorbikes and outboard motors. There were a few other stalls showing off the technologies to recycle water, minimise Agriculture impacts and waste and recycling by GRC. All stall holders were happy with the day and their comments and suggestions used to plan the 2020 event.
Envirotech Day Gympie 2020 benefited from more planning and targeted approaches from a wider range of businesses from Wide Bay and Burnett to the Sunshine Coast. GCSA, GRC , Gympie Landcare and Gympie Living Magazine worked together to make the day a success. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland’s ecoBIZ program that encourages energy efficiency and waste minimisation in Businesses had engaged with several business groups in Gympie in 2019 and were to participate in the 2020 event. GRC’s Environmental Level funded this event. There were 40 displays from Agriculture, Energy and storage, Solar Installers, Electric Vehicles, Sustainable Housing, Waste and Recycling industries. Unfortunately, the day was cancelled due to Covid 19 concerns. However, much of the preparations from this year will benefit the event in 2021. Stallholders were polled on the timing, length and location of the event to guide the 2021 event.
Envirotech Day Gympie 2021 will be held on April 17th April 2021 in Nelson Reserve, Gympie between 9am and 3pm.